Updates to this site (October 2019)
Hey there it's me! Writing proper articles like this is something I've wanted to start doing for a while and will start doing regularly from now on. So it's been a while since I last updated this site, this has been for a number of reasons: Firstly, I've been under a lot of real life stress over the past few months related to my transition and quite frankly haven't had the motivation to work on this site. Secondly, I wanted to restructure the site some more. I've been very dissatisfied with this site and have strongly considered re-designing it from scratch many times and I may still eventually. Regardless the site felt like a bit of a mess and I want to fix that, but instead of tackling the whole thing in one go, I've decided for an iterative approach, so you may notice pages change or be removed and have their contents moved to other pages as I update it.
Visually there may be some changes to the site too. I haven't fully decided what I want to do yet so consider the site a work in progress. This site started with a very basic and somewhat brutalist design with very simple HTML and CSS, but over time I found this look un-appealing and boring and I wanted to have some more fun with the design, going for the more nostalgic aesthetic it has as of writing. I quite like this design but I am considering perhaps making it a little lighter.

I also want to make this site more accessible by adding descriptions to images but also making sure the site is printable and usable in text-only browsers which was part of the motivation of the original basic design.
So as I said I want to post more articles in the future talking about
not just the site but other topics as well. I really enjoy writing up
nostalgia pages too so I will continue to make more of those. I don't
know when I'll next update the site, finding motivation to do it is a
bit tricky for me right now as I'm a bit all over the place mentally
speaking. I don't know how many of you enjoy this site but I appreciate
it and I enjoy working on this site when I can.